Pro Coders
Saturday, July 27, 2024
  Buyer / View Profile
Normenclature   Rating 10.00
Date joined: 03/09/2005
City/State/Country: Mesa, Arizona, United States of America
Industry: IT Services  
Total posted projects: 7
Finished paid projects: 3
Currently open projects: 0
Canceled projects: 3
Arbitrations: 0
Buyers Ranking
General Global Ranking
Total score: 850
Current position: # 11 of 12
Monthly Global Ranking for  July / 2024
Total score: --
Current position: --
03/2007 Buyer of the Month
Rating detail
Project Rating Rated by Comments
logo icon re-design 10 FGrant Thx, wonderful buyer. Very good communication. 
logo improvement/website 10 ClickSaltLake He is very clear what he wants. Love to work for him again. 
Logo design 1 page website 10 ClickSaltLake Excellent buyer. Very clear in communication. Love to work for him in future too. 
Bonus Paid


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